星期五, 7月 22, 2011

Francis Alÿs: A Story of Deception

墨西哥人在市集售買勞動力--像替人家擦鞋修理汽車、搬運、整理家居喉管等等,戴墨鏡的Francis Alÿs也站在那裡,放下一個牌,說:我是遊客,相當反諷(照片在這裡只是局部)。
Francis Alÿs在墨西哥城推著冰塊上路。
Francis Alÿs拿著假手槍橫衝直撞城市之中。
這些畫作,最得Rica歡心,她說Francis Alÿs的畫令她誘發作曲靈感。

再次到MoMa,這次為看比利時conceptual artists Francis Alÿs。多謝Som的介紹!

論外型,Alÿs像從塔倫天奴《落水狗》走出來的男子,看他戴著墨鏡在自己成長的墨西哥市的概念之作《Re-enactments 2001》:只見他一個人從槍店買下手槍,再拿著手槍橫衝直撞,11分鐘後,他被當地警方即場逮捕,畫面中記載了真實情境的發生,也有後來案件重演的虛構部份,都拍攝下來,放在一起,那是藝術家一次對真實與虛構;對社會問題一次深刻的考察與對話。看似簡單,其實可供思考的空間很多。


Alÿs曾說:"Sometimes, to make something is really to make nothing; and paradoxically, sometimes to make nothing is to make something."

我喜歡看Francis Alÿs的說話,很多時,給我很多靈感與想法:

"Humor has a critical dimension. To laugh can be a way of abstracting yourself from a situation, a way of negating it's reality...Humor can be double-edged weapon..."

這令我想起Buster Keaton與Charlie Chaplin電影的一種分別,當然,以一個較遠距離的角度看。

"I think I quite local but I'm not. Or I 'm not but I am. It's a trap. It's funny, you have to leave the place you came from to be asked if you belong to it."


"The Flaneur is a very 19th century European figure. It goes with a kind of romanticism that does not have much space in a city like Mexico. The City is too crude and too raw, and everything seems to happen on an immediate present. There is no space for nostalgia. The city offers the perfect setting for accidents to happen."


單看Francis Alÿs的作品展,我已看了二個半小時,之後再匯合四人(包括Som, Som那來自LA的學生Paul及Rica,我但願也有學生同行一起來分享!)出外吃過午餐後再到Long Island City 的PS1。

MoMa,I will be back soon!


At 2:05 上午, Blogger 劉明慧 said...


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