星期五, 1月 25, 2008

Suicide is Painless:Theme Song from M*A*S*H*(1970)

Through early morning fog I see,
Visions of the things to be,
The pains that are withheld for me,
I realize and I can see...

That suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

The game of life is hard to play,
I'm gonna lose it anyway.
The losing card I'll someday lay,
So this is all I have to say.

Suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

The sword of time will pierce our skins.
It doesn't hurt when it begins.
But as it works its way on in,
The pain grows stronger...watch it grin, but...

Suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

A brave man once requested me,
to answer questions that are key.
Is it to be or not to be?
And I replied 'Oh why ask me?'

'Cause suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.
...And you can do the same thing if you please.


At 1:34 上午, Blogger Agnes Tse said...

這麼巧呀Angela, 前陣子我也看了MASH...

影片是很惹笑, 但配合這首歌, 便顯得一切荒涼~ (誰想到填詞的人是一個14歲少年呢!)

At 11:36 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...



At 1:00 上午, Blogger Agnes Tse said...

那畫展, 見笑了. 大部份都是趕出來的. 好些人看過我那些畫, 都說特別喜歡某一張. 其餘那幅我才是畫得最痛苦的. 但參與勝於一切. 一年後我們也要做final project了~

At 1:34 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...


At 7:49 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

Good for people to know.



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